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A Bridge to Hope and Healing

CAC Kentucky What We Do 2

There is Hope

All Kentucky children have access to one of our 15 Children’s Advocacy Centers. Each CAC provides specialized child friendly interviews, medical exams, therapy, and advocacy to children entering the justice system as part of an investigation of abuse.

When Law Enforcement or Child Protective Services believes a child has been abused they may refer the child to one of Kentucky’s 15 CACs.


Our Impact

Last year, CACs in Kentucky served over 7,400 children from all 120 counties across the state. Children who receive services from a CAC are more likely to receive the medical and mental health services they need to help them heal from their abuse. Kentucky CACs provide over 12,000 mental health sessions to clients and non-offending caregivers each year.

CAC Kentucky What We Do

"My daughter finally recognizes her value and found her voice. If it were not for the services [the] CAC provided; the genuine care, kindness, and grace they extended to us, I know my family would not be as healthy as it is now...I can never repay CAC for saving my family."

"I could not prosecute these cases without the resources the center has to offer. Their legal advisor is like my right hand in these cases and we often work together in gathering research to respond to motions that can harm the victims or infringe upon their rights."

"I truly believe the children’s advocacy center is one of the most incredible assets to law enforcement I have ever seen. The center helps our children tell their stories, cope with their experiences and to get justice for the crimes committed against them, … and that makes bringing those guilty to justice even more rewarding."